Mezinárodní workshop „Diversity and Local Contexts: ​ Adaptation and Heritage“

CFP na mezinárodní workshop „Diversity and Local Contexts: ​Adaptation and Heritage“, který se uskuteční ve dnech 24.-25. května 2018 na FF UK.

Call for Papers

 We invite authors of both theoretical contributions and empirical research studies to join us at a research workshop focused on exploring the relationship between urban heritage and cultural identities in their historical, geopolitical and socio-cultural dimensions and contexts. After Graham and Howard, we approach heritage as “the ways in which very selective past material artefacts, natural landscapes, mythologies, memories and traditions become cultural, political and economic resources for the present.” (Graham and Howard 2008, 2) We recognize identities as ongoing processes of adaptation, which we understand as practices of positioning vis-à-vis global flows that intersect in urban hubs (Appadurai 1996) and involve the formation of diverse local senses of belonging and being in the world. We focus on the contested and diverse terrains of identity and belonging in an effort to understand how hegemonic discourses become translated, used and challenged by communities and individuals in local settings.

During a two-day workshop in Prague (May 24-25, 2018), we want to learn from each other’s work to develop papers that will be published as a peer-reviewed publication (edited book volume and a thematic journal issue). The language of the seminar will be English. Please send your name, professional affiliation and a title of your contribution to Hana Cervinkova at by May 11, 2018.

The conference and publications are supported by KREAS and REACH projects.

Organizers: Institute of Sociological Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, KREAS VP2WP3 “Adaptation in Historical Perspective” research team, and REACH project at the Institute of World History of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, the Czech division of the UNESCO–MOST Program.

Venue: Charles  University, Faculty of Arts, Prague



Úvod > Konference a workshopy > Mezinárodní workshop „Diversity and Local Contexts: ​ Adaptation and Heritage“