Areas of Expertise
- Comparative cultural history of European post-socialism
- Migration and urban/rural divide
- Popular culture and subcultures
- Class and xenophobia
Academic Posts
- October 2019 – today: Assistant Professor at the Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague.
- October 2014 – today: Lecturer and researcher at the Department of Media studies, Metropolitan University Prague.
- October 2011 – September 2017: Lecturer and researcher at the Department of Czech language and literature, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague.
- October 2008 – September 2011: Lecturer and researcher at the Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague.
- 2004 – MA in Contemporary History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague.
- 2012 – PhD in Contemporary Cultural History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague.
- 2022 – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Music Studies (GR), 1 week.
- 2021 – 2022 – University of Music and Performing Arts, Department of Music Sociology, Vienna, 5 months.
- 2021 – University of Graz, Department of Sociology, Graz, 2 weeks.
- 2018 – University of Antwerp, Centre for Research & Development Monitoring (ECOOM), 2 weeks.
- 2018 – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Planning and Research Support Department, 1 week.
- 2014 – New Economic School, Centre for Economic and Financial Research (CEFIR), Moscow, 1 month.
- 2007 – University of Graz, Institute of Southeast European History and Anthropology, Graz, 2 months.
- 2005 – 2008, Université Paul Valéry, Faculty of Literature, Languages, Arts, Social and Human Sciences Montpellier, 18 months.
Papers Presented in International Conferences & Seminars
- Czech Punk, Activism and Research, Music, Research, and Activism Conference, University of Helsinki, 11 May 2023, Helsinki.
- Negotiating heritage: Discussions on popular music and folklore in postsocialist Europe, The Heritage of Central and Eastern Europe, Jagellonian University, 8 December 2022, Krakow.
- (together with Alexandra Karamoutsiou and Mirolav Michela) Local Punk Zines and Global Networks: Thessaloniki and Brno in Transition, Punk Scholars Network Annual Conference and Postgraduate Symposium, Middlesex University, 2 December 2022, London.
- (together with Katharina Alexi) Politicized and Commodified “Children’s Music” and Its Interrelation to “Adult Music”. Traces from Major Labels to DIY Music Cultures, 32. GFPM-Tagung, 5. IASPM D-A-CH-Konferenz, Parallelgesellschaften, mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, 21 October 2022, Vienna.
- Post-Migrant and Post-Soviet: Music Scenes in Prague, The urgency of contemporary post-Soviet popular music: Politics and aesthetics, Popakademie Baden-Württemberg, 14 October 2022, Mannheim.
- (together with Jakub Machek and Irena Šentevska) From Working Class Hero to Working Class Zero (and Back With a Vengeance): Popular Music, Class and Populism in the Czech Republic and Serbia, Popular Music, Populism and Nationalism in Contemporary Europe, University of Oldenburg, 7 April 2022, Oldenburg.
- Lifestyle Against Politics: (Sub)cultures of Czech and Russian Post-Socialist Antifascism, 2021 Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEES) Annual Convention, ASEES, 21 November 2021, New Orleans.
- Hooligan Frenzy. Ecstatic Violence and Late State Socialist East European Football, Pop Cultures and Ecstatic States of the Body, 1950s – 1980s, University of Copenhagen, 1 October 2021, Copenhagen.
- (together with Jakub Machek) The Clash of Canons: Šlágr and Lidovka Heroes and Villains, Heroes, Canons, Cults. Critical Inquiries, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, 12 August 2021, Reichenau an der Rax.
- Places of revolt: Geographical references in Slovak anarchist press around the turn of the millennium, Keep it simple, make it fast (KISMIF annual conference 2021), University of Porto, 8 July 2021, Porto.
- Old Drunks and Boring Vegans: Profiling Two Generations of Aging Czech Punks, Gender and Age/Aging in the Context of Popular Culture, University of Graz, 24 June 2021, Graz.
- (together with Jakub Machek) Šlágr and lidovka: A battlefield between the local and global mainstream, Listening to (Mainstream) Popular Music in 2021: Sounds and Practices, University of Innsbruck, 12 June 2021, Innsbruck.
- Post-socialist Prague as a migration hub: Cultural aspects and controversies, Post-Socialist City in a Social and Cultural Perspective, Warsaw University, 8 June 2021, Warsaw.
- Why?” “Because of Sparta!”: Images of Football Hooliganism on Czechoslovak TV in the Perestroika Era, Studies in Eastern European Cinemas Conference 2021, University of Central Lancashire, 4 June 2021, Preston.
- “Sounds of Slavic unculturedness”: Music as Gendered, Aged and Classed Emotion of Exclusion and Inclusion in Transnational Space, Emotions of Inclusion and Exclusion in Transnational Spaces, University of Copenhagen, 21 May 2021, Copenhagen.
- (together with Jakub Machek) ‘No Exciting News – Anxiety-free Czechoslovak Media Soothing the Late Socialist Society’, EXCITING NEWS! Event, Narration and Impact from Past to Present, Irish Humanities Alliance annual conference, University College Cork, 16 March 2021, Cork.
- “Raz raz raz, eto hardbass”: Masculinity, (self-)exoticization, and class mimicry, Post-Soviet sphere: Analysing current trends. CBEES and Södertörn University, 5 February 2021, Stockholm.
- (together with Jakub Machek) Heimatsmusik in Prague: Rural nostalgia in the capital?, Urban Nostalgia: The Musical City in the 19th and 20th Centuries, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 6 July 2020, Paris.
- „The Different City Experience“: Same Old Song?, Groove the City 2020 – Constructing and Deconstructing Urban Spaces through Music, Leuphana University, 15 February 2020, Lüneburg.
- Czech images of Visegrad collaboration during the crisis of European migration policies. Understanding Identities and Regions – Perspectives on V4 and WB. University of Sarajevo, 10 May 2019, Sarajevo.
- I am Satan, I am Lucifer, I am the Devil: Ecstasy in Black metal, Black metal theory symposium, Radio Študent, Gallery of Arts, Ljubljana, 18 April 2019, Ljubljana.
- Transnational circulation of far-right ideology through music and dance, Participatory Approaches to Music & Democracy, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, 13 August 2018, Reichenau an der Rax.
- Visuals of Contemporary Czech Xenophobia, Mniejszości w Czechach, Czesi wobec mniejszości, Warsaw University, 8 October 2016, Warsaw.
- Together About Ourselves. City and Diversity, Challenges for Citizenship Education. University of Roehampton, 25 June 2010, London.
Research Grants
- TRACTS (Traces as Research Agenda for Climate Change, Technology Studies, and Social Justice), COST Action (2021-2025), CA member.
- Mapping and Boosting Digital Humanities in the Visegrad region, International Visegrad Fund (2021-2023).
- Mapping the Scenes: Digital Humanities in Cultural Studies in Central and Central Eastern Europe, Central European Network for Teaching and Research in Academic Liaison (CENTRAL, 2021-2022)
- Brave New World: Youth, Music and Class in Czech Post-socialism, Czech Science Foundation (2020-2022)
- NEP4DISSENT (New Exploratory Phase in Research on East European Cultures of Dissent), COST Action (2017-2021)
- ENRESSH (European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities), COST Action (2016-2020)
- Popular culture and subcultures in the post-socialist societies of Central-Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, ERSTE Stiftung (2014-2015)
- EDUMIGROM (Ethnic Differences in Education and Diverging Prospects for Urban Youth in an Enlarged Europe, FP7 2008-2011)
- CLIOHRES.NET (Creating links and innovative overviews for a new history research agenda for the citizens of a growing Europe, FP6 2005-2010)
- Association des Anciens du CEFRES, Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales (treasurer).
- Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies.
- Centre for Cultural and Historical Research of Socialism.
- Czech Association of Research Managers and Administrators.
- Czech and Slovak Archive of Subcultures.
- Centre for the Study of Popular Culture (co-founder).
- Dancecult Research Network.
- European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities.
- Ethics and Research Integrity Officer Network.
- International Association for the Study of Popular Music.
- International Association for Comparative Fascist Studies.
- Network for Trainers on Research Quality and Integrity.
- Urban Music Studies Network.
- Metal Studies in Central Eastern Europe.
- Music in Post-Soviet sphere.
- Punk Scholars Network
- International Association for the Study of Popular Music.
- International Association for Comparative Fascist Studies.
- Czech and Slovak Archive of Subcultures.
- Centre for the Study of Popular Culture (co-founder).
Guest Lectures
- “Loud and Uncultured”: Talking About Eastern European and Eastern Mediterranean Migration Cultures in Prague and Vienna, MIDEX Research Centre, University of Central Lancashire, 1 June 2022, Preston.
- Music of the Normalised Far Right: Czech Band Ortel and Its Audience, Institute of Music Sociology, mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, 11 January 2022, Vienna.
- Intersections of Nationalist Rock Compared: Czech & Croatian Experience, Faculty of Humanities, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, 4 June 2021, Pula.
- Brave New World: Youth, Music and Class in Czech Post-socialism, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, 8 December 2020, Ljubljana.
- “Muzika jen pro lopaty?” Metal ve světle sociologie hudby, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, 23 September 2020, Brno.
- Wildlife: Ecstatic rituals of harder football and extreme metal fans, Department of sociology, University of Graz, 12 March 2019, Graz.
- Násilím proti novému biedermeieru, Department of Sociology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 23 May 2017, Bratislava.
Organization and conferences
- Youth, popular music and the class in times of post-socialist change, 18 June 2021, Olomouc.
- Mainstream! Popular Culture in Central and Eastern Europe, 29 – 31 October 2020, Prague.
- Building the Scenes? Fan/zines in Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe before and after the Fall of Berlin Wall, 22 – 23 February 2019, Prague.
- Kam kráčí studium populární kultury v českém a slovenském prostředí? 27 – 29 October 2017, Ostrava.
- Beyond the Café/Pub Split: Interlocking Urbanity and Rurality in the Popular Culture of East Central European Societies, 30 – 31 October 2015, Prague.
- “Listening to the Wind of Change”: Popular Culture and Post-Socialist Societies in East-Central Europe, 18 – 19 October 2013, Prague.
- Populární kultura a česká identita, 27 – 28 May 2011, Moravská Třebová.
Monographs (single author)
- DANIEL, Ondřej, Bigbít nebo turbofolk: Představy migrantů z bývalé Jugoslávie v západní Evropě (Francie a Rakousko). Praha: AntropoWeb 2013.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, Násilím proti novému biedermeieru: subkultury a většinová společnost pozdního státního socialismu a postsocialismu. Příbram: Pistorius a Olšanská 2016.
Monographs (edited)
- DANIEL, Ondřej – LAW Ian – NEKORJAK Michal – VAJDA Roza, Comparative Analysis of Ethnic Relations, EDUMIGROM Comparative Papers, 2009.
- DANIEL, Ondřej – MACHEK, Jakub – KAVKA, Tomáš (eds.), Populární kultura v českém prostoru. Praha: Karolinum 2013.
- DANIEL, Ondřej a kol., Kultura svépomocí. Ekonomické a politické rozměry v českém subkulturním prostředí pozdního státního socialismu a postsocialismu. Praha: Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy 2016.
- DANIEL, Ondřej – MACHEK, Jakub – KAVKA, Tomáš (eds.), Listening to the Wind of Change. Popular Culture and Subcultures of Czech Post-Socialism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2016.
Book chapters
- DANIEL, Ondřej, Gastarbajteri: Rethinking Yugoslav Economic Migrations Toward European North-West, Transnationalism and Popular Culture. In KLUSÁKOVÁ, Luďa and Steven ELLIS (eds.) Imagining Frontiers, Contesting Identities. Pisa: Pisa University Press, Edizioni Plus 2007, pp. 277-302.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, L’Europe occidentale et la République tchèque : terres d’exil pour les intellectuels “ex-yougoslaves. In TCHOUKARINE, Igor (dir.) Études du CEFRES n° 11, Septembre 2008, pp. 67-82.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, Projevy etnických subkultur : kulturní projevy potomků migrantů ve Vídni. In BITTNEROVÁ, Dana and Mirjam MORAVCOVÁ (eds.) Etnické komunity v kulturní a sociální různosti. Praha: Fakulta humanitních studií Univerzity Karlovy v Praze 2010, pp. 251-265.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, Ethnicity, Transnational Communication and Consumerism among the Hip-hop Subcultures in Vienna. In ECKARDT, Frank and John EADE (eds.) The Ethnically Diverse City. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag GmbH 2011, pp. 509-516.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, “Nejdiskriminovanější menšina v České republice”: disciplinace, exotizace, idealizace a politika moravské identity. In BITTNEROVÁ, Dana and Mirjam MORAVCOVÁ (eds.) Etnické komunity. Kontinuita kulturní reprodukce. Praha: Fakulta humanitních studií Univerzity Karlovy v Praze 2013, pp. 283-305.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, Násilí československé mládeže na konci státního socialismu. Bezpečnostní riziko a téma společenské kritiky. In DANIEL, Ondřej, Jakub MACHEK and Tomáš KAVKA (eds.), Populární kultura v českém prostoru. Praha: Karolinum 2013, pp. 274-290.
- DANIEL Ondřej – MACHEK, Jakub, Lonťáci and Lufťáci: Researching the Urban/Rural Opposition in Contemporary Czech Society Through Online Discussions. In FIŠEROVÁ, Michaela and Jakub MACHEK et al. New Mediation, New Pop-Culture? Prague: Metropolitan University Prague Press 2015, pp. 70-91.
- DANIEL Ondřej, From Golden Plains through Black Mountains to the Silver Sea: Nostalgic Spaces of Migrants from the former Yugoslavia. In Martin ZŰCKERT and Heidi HEIN-KIRCHER (eds.) Migration and Landscape Transformation. Changes in Central and Eastern Europe in the 19th and 20th Century. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2016, pp. 107-126.
- DANIEL Ondřej – ŘÍDKÝ, Josef, Nová „letenská šlechta“?: Hipsteři, jejich paradoxy a ironie jedné ironie. In BÍLEK, Petr A. and Josef ŠEBEK (eds.) Česká populární kultura. Transfery, transponování a další tranzitní procesy. Praha: Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Karlova 2017, pp. 322-349.
- DANIEL Ondřej, Limits of a Post-Velvet Normality: Subcultures, Violence and Class in Late 1990s Czech Society. In DANIEL, Ondřej, Jakub MACHEK and Tomáš KAVKA (eds.). Listening to the Wind of Change. Popular Culture and Subcultures of Czech Post-Socialism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2016, pp. 146-165.
- DANIEL Ondřej, Nazism as a Mode of Transgression: Politicization of Post-socialist Czech and Slovak Black Metal. In CHARVÁT Jan (ed.) OUT OF STEP Politics and Subcultures in Post-socialist Space. Praha: Dokořán 2018, pp. 75-88.
- DANIEL Ondřej, On human trafficking, Schengen visas and drunken workers: Czech media representations of Poland in light of three migration issues after 2013. In MARCZUK Karina (ed.) Good Neighbourhood Treaties of Poland. Basingstoke: Palgrave 2019, pp. 145-160.
- DANIEL Ondřej, Hardbass: Intersectionality, Music, Social Media and the Far-Right on the European Periphery, In APPEN, Ralf von and Mario DUNKEL. (Dis-)Orienting Sounds: Machtkritische Perspektiven auf populäre Musik. Bielefeld: Transcript-Verlag, 2019, pp. 153-166.
- DANIEL Ondřej, Antidekáda 1985-1995, In VANČÁT, Pavel. Obrazy konců dějin. Praha: Uměleckoprůmyslové muzeum v Praze a BiggBoss, 2020, pp. 7-13.
- DANIEL Ondřej, “Not racists but careful”: Czech images of Visegrad collaboration during the crisis of European migration policies. In BALASZ, Adam Bence and Christina GRIESSLER. The Visegrad Four and the Western Balkans. Framing Regional Identities, Andrássy Studien zur Europaforschung (Band 25). Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2020, pp. 109-124.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, “Vodka, beer, papirosy”: Eastern European working class cultures mimicry in contemporary hardbass.“ In KÖLBL, Marko and Fritz TRÜMPI. Music and Democracy. Vienna: mdwPress, 2021, pp. 153-170.
- DANIEL, Ondřej – MACHEK, Jakub, Vyjednávání hranic hudebního vkusu: kulturní kapitál mezi Šlágr TV a Radiem Punctum. In PŘIBYLOVÁ, Irena and UHLÍKOVÁ, Lucie. Od folkloru k world music. Hudba a kapitál. Náměšť nad Oslavou: Městské kulturní středisko, 2021, pp. 94-103.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, State Liberation or State Abolition? Czech Punk between Anti-Communism and Anarchism. In Jim DONAGHEY et al. Smash The System! Punk Anarchism as a Culture of Resistance. Bristol: Active Distribution, 2022, pp. 169-188.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, Rozevlátá a nespoutaná, ale pevně usazená: kultura devadesátek. In MÜCKE, Pavel and Veronika PEHE, Svoboda na prodej. Praha: Albatros. Accepted.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, “World music” vs. “Folk-like music”: Age and Class in Debates about Musical Genres of 1990s Czech Society. In Yvetta KAJANOVÁ. Accepted.
- DANIEL, Ondřej – ŠIMA, Karel, Chapter 19 – Czech Republic. In Zoe BULAITIS and Michael OCHSNER. Accountability in Academic Life: European Perspectives on Societal Impact Evaluation. Edward Elgar. Accepted.
- DANIEL, Ondřej – MICHELA, Miroslav, Reggae beyond the Black Atlantic: Tracing the Genre’s Czech and Slovak Adaptations. In Sonjah Stanley NIAAH. Reggae Innovation and Sound System Culture. Mona, Kingston: UWI Press. Accepted.
- MICHELA, Miroslav – DANIEL, Ondřej, Solidarity, Revolt or Exotism? Transfers of the Ska and Reggae Culture to State socialist Czechoslovakia. In Matt WORLEY. Music Cultures and Migration. Accepted.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, “Slavic unculturedness” as a new urban cool? Emotions of Hardbass and its Offshots in Prague and Vienna. In Peter LEESE. Migrant Emotions: Inclusion and Exclusion in Transnational Spaces. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. Accepted.
- DANIEL, Ondřej – MACHEK, Jakub, All Quiet on the Domestic Front? Ways of Dealing with Anxiety in Late Socialist Czechoslovak Media. Amsterdam: Brill. Accepted.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, Lifestyle and Memory: Profiling Two Generations of Ageing Czech Male Punks. In Laura WAY and Matt GRIMES. Punk Passages. Accepted.
Peer-reviewed Articles
- DANIEL, Ondřej, Virtuální primordialismus: transnacionální sítě a kulturní produkce diaspory (příklady Bosňáků a Kabylů). In Sociální studia, 2009, 6, 1, pp. 116–126.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, Bariéry pro příchod mezinárodních vědeckých pracovníků do Česka. In Ergo, 2012, 7, 3, pp. 10-15.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, Kánon a alibi: anticiganismus postsocialistických subkultur. In Slovo a smysl, 2013, 20, pp. 260-271
- DANIEL, Ondřej – LOMÍČEK, Jan, Zdivočelí rodáci: Jak (ne)zobrazovat nástup KSČ k moci. In Forum Historiae 2013, 7, 1, pp. 75-91.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, Zjednoczeni przeciw odmienności? Trzydzieści lat czeskiej ksenofobii, 1985–2015. In Zeszyty Łużyckie. 2017, 51., 1., pp. 71-88.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, Magické noci počal čas“: new-age spiritualita a subkultury v čase změn. In Studia Ethnologica Pragensia. 2017, 3., 1., pp. 96-106.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, Give and Take”: Postsocialist “New Bourgeoisie” in Music Videos. In Narodna umjetnost. 2018, 55., 1., pp. 67-79.
- DANIEL, Ondřej – ALMER, Jiří, “666 XXX”: Sexploitation in Czech and Slovak Black Metal and Porno-Gore Grind. In ČKZ Journal for the Critique of Science, for Imagination and New Anthropology. 2018, 274, pp. 199-214.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, ‘Wildlife’. Ecstatic practices of hardcore football and extreme music fans during the Czech and Slovak postsocialism. In The Czech Ethnological Journal. 2019, 106, 1, pp. 69-83.
- DANIEL, Ondřej – KULMIŃSKI, Robert, Evaluating publication trends and internationalization of selected SSH journals: evidence from Czech Republic and Poland. In Evaluační teorie a praxe. 2019, 7, 2, pp. 1–13.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, Places of Revolt: Geographical References in the Slovak Anarchist Press Around the Turn of the Millennium. In Forum Historiae 2020, 14, 1, pp. 39-52.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, Music subculture vs. class revolutionaries: Czech antifascism in the postsocialist era. Fascism. Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies. 2020, 9, 1-2, pp. 54-72.
- ŠIMA, Karel – DANIEL, Ondřej – KAVKA, Tomáš, 2013 – East by Eastwest: Cultural Studies’ Route to Eastern Europe. Lateral Journal 2021, 10, 2.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, The Right to Polished Sound: Age and Class in the Viennese Balkan Music Scene. Journal of Sonic Studies 2022, 23.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, “Songs for Ordinary People”: Popular Music and Class in Czech Postsocialism. Communist and Post-Communist Studies 2022, 55, 2, pp. 84-103.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, Plucking the Strings of Working-Class Xenophobia: The Case of Ortel, a Czech Band in the mid-2010s. Totalitarismus und Demokratie 2022 19, pp. 95–109.
- DANIEL, Ondřej – MICHELA, Miroslav, If the Kids are United: Rassismus und Antifaschismus im Punk- und Skinheadmilieu in Tschechien und der Slowakei in der ersten postsozialistischen Dekade. Arbeit – Bewegung – Geschichte 2022, 21, 3, pp. 95-116.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, From Street Parties to Hardbass: Dance and Protest in Postsocialist Urban Space. Under review of IASPM Journal.
Special issues of journals
- DANIEL, Ondřej – MACHEK, Jakub – KAVKA, Tomáš, Popular Culture and Post-Socialist Societies in East-Central and South Eastern Europe. Media studies 2015, 2.
- DANIEL, Ondřej – ŠIMA, Karel, Subkultury. The Czech Ethnological Journal 2019, 106, 1.
- DANIEL, Ondřej, Mainstream! Popular Cuture in Central and Eastern Europe. Prague Papers on the History of International Relations 2020, 1.