- Research coordinator
- Member of the Seminar of General and Comparative History
- Departmental coordinator of the program Erasmus+
- local coordinator of the projects TEH21 and TEMA+“
- Leader of the research group CHIPPC (Cultural Heritage – Identities – Public Places – Cities), Center for the Study of Man and Society
Specialization and current research focus
- Comparative modern history of Europe with focus on urban history and history of collective identities
- Cities and urban sphere in modern intellectual, cultural and social imagination
- Regionalism, small towns and history of spatial thought and practice
- Social dimension of local and urban history (public history)
- Representations and uses of small towns’ cultural heritage
Academic posts
- Since 2016: Assistant professor of history, Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts at Charles University, Prague
- 2012-2016: Adjunct lecturer of history, Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts at Charles University, Prague, hired via Erasmus Mundus Master Program TEMA
- 2008-2011: Part-time researcher, Faculty of Arts at Charles University
- Since 2010: External lecturer at CEVRO Institute, School of political studies
- 2005 – 2013: Ph.D. studies in History (specialization in General and Comparative History), Charles University, Faculty of Arts
- 1998 – 2005: Master studies in History and Political Science, Charles University, Faculty of Arts
Fellowships and research stays
- 2020 (October-December): two-month research stay (DAAD funded) at the Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS), Erkner, Germany
- 2020 (February): one-week visit at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA
- 2018 (October): one-week visit at Centre of Urban History at University of Leicester, VB
- 2011 (June): research stay at the University Library in Leipzig
- 2007 (May): European University Institute, Florence – Fiesole
- 2005, 2006, 2007, 2017: several short-term research-stays in Poland, Jagellonian Library in Cracow
International conferences, workshops and lectures
- IRA Jaroslav: “Dreaming of Urbanity beyond Metropolis: Czech Small Towns in the First Half of the Twentieth Century”, public lecture at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA, February 6, 2020.
- IRA Jaroslav: “Environmental Dimension of Small Town Imaginary: the Case of the Interwar Kdyně”, IN-SCIT conference Small Cities and Environment, Castelo de Vide, Portugal, March 14-16, 2019.
- IRA Jaroslav: “Inventing Roles for the Czech Small Towns in the Early Twentieth Century”, lecture at the Centre for Urban History, University of Leicester, UK, October 26, 2018.
- IRA Jaroslav: “Social Function of Local History in Small Towns”, The Role of Historians in Public Life: A Symposium, Prague (NCSU European Centre), Czech Republic, June 10, 2018.
- IRA Jaroslav: “Actors, Scales and Modes of Heritage Representation: Lessons from the Critical Mapping”, Resilient Cultural Heritage and Communities in Europe (REACH project opening conference), Budapest, Maďarsko, May 10-11, 2018.
- IRA Jaroslav: „Urban Histories as Loci of Critical Public Spheres“, 13th International Conference of Urban History. European Association of Urban History (EAUH), Helsinki, Finland, August 24-27, 2016.
- IRA Jaroslav: „Historické monografie českých, moravských a haličských měst jako nástroje pro formování lokální a národní identity (1860–1900)”, in: Historiografie s městem spojená: Historiografie o městech a historiografie ve městech / Stadt und Geschichtsschreibung: Geschichtsschreibung über Städte und Geschichtsschreibung in Städten. 35th international conference of The Prague City Archives, Prague, Czech Republic, October 4-5, 2016.
- IRA Jaroslav: “Uses of Small Town Heritage in the Past”, The City that Adapts: Interviewing Societies, Cultures and the Built Environment. Routes towards Sustainability, Ferrara, Italy, December 4, 2015.
- IRA Jaroslav: „Collective Memories and Stories of Place: Comenius and Leszno“, Towards a Common Past? Conflicting Memories on Contemporary Europe. Nordic Network in Memory Studies, Lund, Sweden, May 14-16, 2012.
- IRA Jaroslav: „Comparative Approach and Historical Representations of Towns“, 10th International Conference of Urban History (EAUH), Ghent, Belgium, September 1 -4, 2010.
- IRA Jaroslav: „The Polyconceptual Cities?“, 9th International Conference on Urban History. EAUH, Lyon, France, August 27-30, 2008.
- IRA Jaroslav: „Creating (not only) Local Identity: Historical monographs of Czech towns (1860-1900),” 8th International Conference on Urban History (EAUH), Stockholm, Sweden, August 30 – September 2, 2006.
Organization of conferences and conference sessions
- Co-organizer (with Tammy GORDON) of the international workshop „The Role of Historians in Public Life: A Symposium”, Prague, Czech Republic, June 10, 2018.
- IRA Jaroslav – Lucie STORCHOVÁ: “Oborovost”, “interdisciplinarita” a publikační strategie: diskuse o proměně českých historických časopisů v posledním desetiletí”, panel at the 11th Congress of Czech Historians, Olomouc, Czech Republic, September 13-15, 2017.
- KLUSÁKOVÁ Luďa, IRA Jaroslav, OZOUF-MARIGNIER Marie-Vic: “Small Towns in Europe and Beyond, 20th-21st Century”, Main Session at 12th International Conference of Urban History, EAUH, Lisbon, Portugal, September 3-6, 2014.
- Member of the local organizing committee of 11th International Conference of Urban History „Cities and Societies in Comparative Perspective“ (Prague 2012), organized by European Association of Urban History (EAUH),
- KLUSÁKOVÁ Luďa, IRA Jaroslav, XYDOPOULOS Yannis: “Cities making Regions, Regions making their Cities”, Main Session at 10th International Conference of Urban History, EAUH, Ghent, Belgium, September 1-4, 2010.
Research grants, projects and networks
- 2020-2023: Academic coordinator at Charles University of the international master program TEMA+: European Territories: Heritage and Development (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree, 586521-EPP-1-2017-1-HU-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB; main coordinator ELTE Budapest).
- 2019-2022: Coordinator at Charles University of the international project TEH21: Teaching European History in the 21st Century (Erasmus+: Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education; Grant Agreement No.: 2019-1-NL01-KA203-06053; main coordinator University of Utrecht).
- 2018-2022: Junior researcher in the research project KREAS: Creativity and Adaptability as Conditions for the Success of Europe in an Interrelated World (European Regional Development Fund-Project, No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000734).
- 2017-2020: Researcher in the international project REACH: Re-designing access to cultural heritage for a wider participation in preservation, (re)use and management of European culture (program HORIZON2020, ID 769827, main coordinator University of Coventry).
- 2016-2018: Collaborator in the project Innovation of the courses TEMA and their extension for a larger scope of students, internal tender of the Faculty of Arts, CUNI (FF_16_TO1_23)
- 2011-2014: Research project J. A. Comenius as a site of memory. Polyvalent Mnemonic Imagination and the (Re)Constructions of the Canon. (Czech Academy of Sciences, 2011-2014, funded by The Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, n. GAP410/11/1201)
- 2008-2011: participation on the Research scheme The Czech Lands in the Middle of Europe (2009-2011), financed by The Ministry of Education of Czech Republic, MSM0021620827
- 2007: Specific research project City, Text, and Identity in the 19/20th Century: theoretical and methodological problems (internal grant of the Faculty of Arts, n. 224110, Charles University, 2007)
- 2005-2010: participant – PhD. student in the international research Network of Excellence (“Creating Links and Innovative Overviews for a New History Research Agenda for the Citizens of a Growing Europe”); Project no. 006164; (6th Framework Programme of the European Commission), the thematic workgroup Frontiers & Identities (2005-2010)
Major Publications
Edited volumes
- IRA Jaroslav – JANÁČ Jiří (eds.): Materializing Identities in Socialist and Post-Socialist Cities. Prague: Karolinum Press, 2017. ISBN-10: 8024635909.
- IRA Jaroslav – de JONG Jan – TARAFÁS Imre (eds.), Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA Network, Budapest: Atelier, 2015. ISBN 978-963-284-701-6.
- KLUSÁKOVÁ Luďa – MOLL Martin, co-edited with IRA Jaroslav – LARGUECHE Aladin – SARGENT Andrew – KALIVODOVÁ Eva (eds.), Crossing Frontiers, Resisting Identities, Pisa: Edizioni Plus, 2010. ISBN 978-88-8492-737-8.
Chapters in edited volumes
- JANÁČ Jiří – IRA Jaroslav: “Materializing Identities in Socialist and Post-Socialist Cities”, in: IRA, Jaroslav – JANÁČ Jiří (eds.): Materializing Identities in Socialist and Post-Socialist Cities. Prague: Karolinum Press, 2017, p. 11-29. ISBN-10: 8024635909
- IRA Jaroslav: “Topografie paměti: Reálná a imaginární místa kulturního vzpomínání”, In: Lenka ŘEZNÍKOVÁ a kol., Figurace paměti. J. A. Komenský v kulturách vzpomínání 19. a 20. století. Praha: Scriptorium, 2014, p. 55-88. ISBN 978-80-88013-08-2.
- IRA Jaroslav: “Paměť v národní a transnacionální perspektivě”, In: Lenka ŘEZNÍKOVÁ a kol., Figurace paměti. J. A. Komenský v kulturách vzpomínání 19. a 20. století. Praha: Scriptorium, 2014, s. 347-383. ISBN 978-80-88013-08-2.
- IRA Jaroslav: “Město”, in: Lucie STORCHOVÁ a kol., Koncepty a dějiny: proměny pojmů v současné historické vědě, Praha: Scriptorium, 2014, p. 338-355. ISBN: 978-80-87271-87-2.
- IRA Jaroslav: „TWG4: Work, Gender, and Society on Frontiers and Identities”, In: KLUSÁKOVÁ Luďa, MOLL Martin (eds.), Crossing Frontiers and Resisting Identities, Pisa 2010, p. 303-313. ISBN 978-88-8492-737-8.
- LARGUECHE Aladin – SARGENT Andrew – KALIVODOVÁ Eva – IRA Jaroslav: “Resistances in the Field of Frontiers and Identities: A new connecting theme or an interdisciplinary tool for comparative research?” In: Luďa KLUSÁKOVÁ, Martin MOLL (eds.), Crossing Frontiers and Resisting Identities, Pisa, Edizioni Plus, 2010, p. 103-121. ISBN 978-88-8492-737-8.
- IRA Jaroslav – SARGENT Andrew – LARGUECHE Aladin – KALIVODOVÁ Eva: “Outcomes and Outlooks: Resistance after the Case Studies,” In: Luďa KLUSÁKOVÁ, Martin MOLL (eds.), Crossing Frontiers and Resisting Identities, Pisa: Edizioni Plus, 2010, p. 223-244. ISBN 978-88-8492-737-8.
- IRA Jaroslav: „Creating Local and Broader Identities: Historical Monographs on Bohemian, Moravian, and Galician Towns (1860-1900)”, In: KLUSÁKOVA Luďa, TEULIERES Laure (eds.), Frontiers and Identities: Cities in Regions and Nations. Pisa 2008, p. 251-266. ISBN 978-88-8492-556-5.
- IRA Jaroslav – SUŠOVÁ Veronika – KROCOVÁ Martina: “The Notion of Good Citizenship (1848-1918): The Austria-Hungary Empire in Czech Perspective”, In: Steven G. ELLIS, Gudmundur HÁLFDANARSON, Kathy ISAACS (eds.): Citizenship in Historical Perspective, Pisa: Edizioni Plus, 2006, p. 163-179. ISBN 88-8492-406-5.
Studies in peer-reviewed journals
- IRA Jaroslav: “Rethinking the Genre: Urban Biographies as Means of Creating Critical Public Spheres”, Urban History, 2019, p. 1-17 (online first), ISSN: 1469-8706 (on-line), 0963-9268 (Print)
- KLUSÁKOVÁ, Luďa et al., „Adaptační procesy a jejich aktéři v modernizující se Evropě”, Historická Sociologie 1/2019, p. 93-116. DOI: 10.14712/23363525.2019.6. ISSN 1804-0616 (Print); 2336-3525 (Online)
- IRA Jaroslav: „Používání a zneužívání poznámek pod čarou“, Dějiny – Teorie – Kritika 2/2016, p. 285-299. ISSN: 1214-7249.
- IRA Jaroslav: “Dějiny politických pojmů: nové roviny, nové přístupy a nové otázky”, Dějiny – Teorie – Kritika 2/2004, p. 213-236. ISSN: 1214-7249.