Václav Horčička

prof. PhDr. Václav Horčička, Ph.D.


  • Head of the Institute of World History
  • Head of Seminar of Contemporary history




  • International history
  • Transatlantic relations in twentieth century
  • History of central european elites in twentieth century


  • 6th Dec. 2001 Doctoral thesis “Austro-Hungarian Policy towards Soviet Russia, 1917-1918”; Ph.D. degree (2002 PhDr.), Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
  • 1997 – 2001 doctorate programme in History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague 1996 Masters degree, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Charles University in Prague
  • 1990 – 1996 Masters programme in Teaching Geography and History, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
  • 1985 — 1989 Secondary School of Economics, Prague. Specialization: “Foreign Trade”


  • 2015- Full Professor of general and global history at the Institute of Global History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague.
  • 2007-2014 Associate Professor at the Institute of General History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague.
  • 2001 – 2007 Assistant Professor at the Institute of General History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
  • 2000 – 2001 Assistant (Lecturer) at the Institute of General History, Charles University in Prague

Membership in Academic Bodies

  • from 2013 Member of Commision for Doctoral Exams, Department of Economic History, Faculty of Economics, University of Economics, Prague
  • from 2012 “Forschungsbeauftragter” (authorized researcher) of the Czech-Liechtenstein Commission of Historians
  • from 2008 Member of “Gesellschaft für Überseegeschichte”, Germany
  • from 2007 Member of the Board for the Study of World and General History at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
  • from 2007 Member of the Board for the Study of Political Science at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague


  • 2017 The Czech Science Foundation (GA ČR) awarded me a threee-year grant for my project No. 17-07730S Pozemková reforma v meziválečném Československu na statcích cizích státních příslušníků (Agrarian reform in the interwar Czechoslovakia on estates of foreign citizens) Czech Nobility in the Uncertain 20th Century). The project´s principal aim is to provide an analysis of impact of the agrarian reform on the relations among Czechoslovakia and states of origin of owners.
  • 2012 The Czech Science Foundation (GA ČR) awarded me a five-year grant for my project No. P410/12/1141 Česká šlechta v proměnách 20. století (Czech Nobility in the Uncertain 20th Century). The project´s principal aim was to provide an analysis of the relationship of the Czech nobility to the totalitarian regimes of the 20th Century
  • 2010 The Czech Science Foundation (GA ČR) awarded Dr J. Županič (principal investigator) and me a three-year grant P410/11/0535 Šlechtický archiv c. k. ministerstva vnitra a nobilitační listiny Národního archivu. (Nobility Archive of the k.k. Ministry of Interior and Nobilitation Diplomas at the National Archive). Co-researcher.
  • 2007 (Czech) National Agency for European Educational Programmes awarded me a one month research grant No. 2004/2007 in Liechtenstein (August) – in the framework of the programme of teachers’ mobility among member countries of EEA/Norway.
  • 2006-2008 Grant Foundation of the Charles University of Prague awarded me a three year grant for the project no. 342/2006 A/HN “The Czech Middle-Class and New Noble Élite in the Austro-Hungarian Diplomatic Service from 1914-1918. Joint Applicant. 2005-2006 Fulbright visiting research fellowship (6 months) at Boston University, MA. Project: „The United States Foreign Policy toward Austria-Hungary from 1914–1918“.
  • From 2005 Member of the research group financed by the Czech Ministry of Education working on the project No. MSM 0021620827 “Czech Lands in the Middle of Europe in the Past and Nowadays. Section: Influence of Germany on Political, Economical and Social Development of the Czech Lands in 18th and 20th Century”.
  • 2003-2005 The Czech Science Foundation (GA ČR) awarded me a three-year post-doctorate grant for my project No. 409/03/P013 “Austro-Hungarian Policy toward the United States of America during World War I (1914 – 1918)”.
  • 2002 Summer Fellowship of the New York University, (awarded annually by Charles University in Prague to two promising young scholars in the humanities).
  • 2000-2004 Member of the research group financed by the Czech Ministry of Education working on the project JI3/98:112100004 “Vývoj společnosti českých zemí v kontextu evropských a světových dějin”.

Main Publications


  • HORČIČKA, Václav and Jan ŽUPANIČ: Šlechta na křižovatce. Lichtenštejnové, Schwarzenbergové a Colloredo-Mannsfeldové v 1. polovině 20. století, (Aristocracy at the Crossroads. The Liechtenstein, Schwarzenberg and Colloredo-Mannsfeld in the first half of the 20th century), Praha: Agentura Pankrác 2017, 910 pages (Horčička 70 %), ISBN 978-80-86781-33-4.
  • HORČIČKA, Václav: Lichtenštejnové v Československu, (The Liechtensteins in Czechoslovakia),  Praha: Agentura Pankrác 2014, 222 pages, ISBN 978-80-86781-22-8.
  • HORČIČKA, Václav and MARXER, Roland: Liechtenstein und die tschechoslowakischen Konfiskationen von 1945. Vom Zweiten Weltkrieg bis zur Gegenwart, Vaduz: Historischer Verein für das Fürstentum Liechtenstein 2013, 249 stran (Horčička pp. 9-139), ISBN 978-3-906393-71-1.
  • HORČIČKA, Václav: Vztahy Rakousko-Uherska a Spojených států amerických v období první světové války, (Relations between Austria-Hungary and the United States of America during the First World War)  Praha: Karolinum 2007, 365 pages, ISBN 978-80-246-1357-8.
  • HORČIČKA, Václav: Rakousko-uherská politika vůči sovětskému Rusku v letech 1917–1918, (Austro-Hungarian Policy Toward Soviet Russia, 1917-1918) Praha: Karolinum 2005, 254 pages, ISBN 80-246-0897-9.

Studies in peer-reviewed journals

  • HORČIČKA, Václav. Die Schweiz und das Problem der Enteignung der Schwarzenberger Primogenitur in der Tschechoslowakei nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte/Revue Suisse d´Histoire, Volume 66/2016, Issue 1, pp. 117-135, ISSN 0036-7834.
  • HORČIČKA, Václav. Federalizacja czy rozpad? Stosunki Stanów Zjednoczonych
  • i Austro–Węgier w ostatnim roku pierwszej wojny światowej. Dzieje Najnowsze, Vol. XLVIII/2016, No. 3, pp. 57-86, ISSN 0419-8824.
  • HORČIČKA, Václav. The Bilateral Relationship between Austria-Hungary and the United States from April to December 1917. Austrian History Yearbook, Volume 46/2015, pp. 261-295, ISSN 0067-2378.
  • HORČIČKA, Václav / ŽUPANIČ, Jan. Kollaboration oder Neutralität: Die Familie Liechtenstein in den tschechischen Ländern während des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Historisches Jahrbuch, Vol. 134/2014, pp. 372-418, ISSN: 0018-2621.
  • HORČIČKA, Václav. Austria-Hungary, Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, and the United States’ Entrance into the First World War. The International History Review, Volume 34/2012, Issue 2, pp. 245-269, ISSN 0707-5332.
  • HORČIČKA, Václav. Czechoslovak–Liechtenstein relations in the shadow of the Communist coup in Czechoslovakia, February 1948. European Review of History: Revue europeenne d’histoire,Volume 19/2012 , Issue 4, p 601-620, ISSN 1350-7486.
  • HORČIČKA, Václav. Austria-Hungary and Peace Talks with Ukraine in 1918. Przegląd Historyczny, rok 2012, nr. 3, pp. 499-526, ISSN 0033-2186.
  • HORČIČKA, Václav. Die Tschechoslowakei und die Enteignungen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Der Fall Liechtenstein. Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft, 58 Jahrgang (2010), Bd. 5, pp. 413-431, ISSN 0044-2828.
  • HORČIČKA, Václav: On the Brink of War. The Crisis Year of 1915 in Relations of the USA and Austria-Hungary. Diplomacy and Statecraft, 2008, Vol. 19, č. 2, pp. 187-209, ISSN 0959-2296.
  • HORČIČKA, Václav. Die österreichisch-ungarische Politik gegenüber Sowjetrussland im Sommer und Herbst 1918. Die Mission des Generalkonsuls Georg de Pottere in Moskau. Österreichische Osthefte, Vol. 46/2004, Heft 4, pp. 485- 514, ISSN 0029-9375.
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