The doctoral study programme at Charles University in Prague follows Act No. 111/1998 Coll. § 47 and is in accordance with internal regulations of Charles University in Prague and its faculties. This programme is available not only to Charles University graduates but also to Master programme graduates of other universities, including engineers from the Czech Republic and abroad.
Doctoral History/General History (4OD), study programme Historical Sciences, is accredited for both the full-time and combined form. The standard period to study is four years, while the top limit is eight years. Full-time study is possible only for four years, after that and after meeting all conditions (successfully passing the State Doctoral Examination or after a successful dissertation defence) it is necessary to apply for a transformation of full-time study into a combined form of study. For full-time students from out of Prague, the University offers dormitory accommodations.
The applicant must be a graduate of a master’s degree program. He/she has to be able to independently and critically analyse the past, have comprehensive knowledge of political, economic, social and cultural developments in human society, be able to work with published and unreleased sources, apply a critical approach to professional literature, be able to carry out basic research and theoretical generalizations and apply creative thinking in evaluating historical facts and processes.
The basic requirement is the applicant’s strong prerequisites for his/her scientific work, his/her own professional focus and a robust orientation in academic literature. Any published work of the applicant is also an advantage. During the interview, the applicant will acquaint the Examination Board with his/her previous professional development, previous studies, professional experience and publishing activities in the field.
During the examination, the applicant is required to present an introduction to his/her project for his/her future doctoral dissertation. The introduction to the dissertation project includes the time period in which it shall be set, geographical and issue focus, the importance and usefulness of the chosen topic, the expected extent, direction, process and schedule of the research. Furthermore, it will be stated whether the candidate will focus on a brand-new issue in the proposed dissertation, or if it will be a new solution to an already known and examined issue. A scholarly discussion is conducted about the proposed project, which examines not only the applicant’s general knowledge of the field but also his/her knowledge related to the proposed dissertation topic.
The candidate discusses the chosen topic of the dissertation project in advance with the chairman of the relevant subject department.
The Chairman of the Departmental Board is prof. PhDr. Václav Horčička, Ph.D., contact:
The contact person for solving doctoral studies issues is PhDr. ThLic. Drahomír Suchánek, Ph.D., Th.D., contact: