National movements in Europe during the 19th century
History of Northern Europe with special focus on Finland
Central European and Czech history in 19th century
Cultural Institutions and their history
Political and electoral systems in Europe
History of Sport and modern Olympism in 19th and 20th century
2008–2016 PhD: Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Charles University in Prague – The Seminar of General and Comparative History; Dissertation, A Comparison of the Processes of Creating National Identities in Finland and the Czech Lands in the 19th Century (advisor Prof. PhDr. Luďa Klusaková, CSc.)
2001–2008 MA: Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Charles University in Prague – The Department of General History; Master Thesis, The Political System of the German Empire 1815-1870 (advisor Doc. PhDr. Jan Županič, PhD.)
Minor in Political science
2001 matriculation exam – Gymnasium Žďár nad Sázavou
Work Experience
since 09/2019 teaching – courses for international student: Construction of Czech National Identity and its Symbols at the East and Central European Studies (ECES) centre at Charles University in Prague.
since 09/2018 teaching – courses for Czech students: History of Finland and Scandinavia at the Department of Baltic Studies at Faculty of Arts at Masaryk University in Brno.
since 02/2017 teaching – courses for Czech students: History of Finland, Finnish History and Socioculture II, at the Department of Germanic Studies at Faculty of Arts at Charles University in Prague.
since 10/2014 teaching – courses for international student: Introduction to European Studies, Prague in Czech and European Culture, History of cultural institutions, Modern Social and Intellectual Framework; – courses for Czech students: World History (since the beginning of the 16th century until 1918), European Culture and Literacy II, Comparative History of Europe at the Department of General History at Faculty of Arts at Charles University in Prague.
10–12/2014 trainee in the archives of the Museum of Czech literature
Scholarships and Grants
since 05/2020 participation on the project Teaching European History in the 21st Century (TEH21), Faculty of Arts at Charles University in Prague
since 05/2018 junior researcher in project KREAS (Creativity and Adaptability as Conditions of the Success of Europe in an Interrelated World), Faculty of Arts at Charles University in Prague
03-06/2012 University of Tampere (Erasmus Practical Placement), Finland
02-04/2011 Alekstanteri Institute, Helsinki (CIMO), Finland
09-11/2010 Alekstanteri Institute, Helsinki (CIMO), Finland
01-12/2010 participation on research grant of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Charles University in Prague, Vnímání prostoru v evropské tradici v komparativní perspektivě. Sonda do problematiky (The perception of space in the European tradition in comparative perspective. The probe into the issue).
International Workshops and Research Visits
07/2018 research visit at Universität Regensburg (Germany), advisor prof. Natali Stegmann
06/2018 research visit at Universität Wien (Austria)
09/2017 research visit at Universität Regensburg (Germany), advisor prof. Natali Stegmann
06/2012 international workshop, Institutions in Context: Dictatorship and Democracy, University of Tampere, Finland, organized by professor. Katri Sieberg, presentation The path of Finland and Czechoslovakia towards democracy
06/2011 international workshop, Institutions in Context: The Welfare State, University of Tampere, Finland, organized by professor Katri Sieberg, presentation Civil Society, Welfare State and Nationalism
07/2010 research visit, University of Tampere (Finland)
12/2009 research visit, Universität Konstanz (Germany)
01/2004 international workshop, Schnittpunkte der böhmisch- tschechischen und der deutschen Geschichte im Mittelalter II.- Gründung der Prager Universität, Johann-Wolfgang -Goethe–Universität, Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
Articles and Chapters in Collective Books
To be published České národní obrození na přelomu 19. a 20. století viděno finskýma očima (Czech national revival at the turn of 19th and 20th century seen through Finnish eyes), in: Doležalová, A., Hroch M. (eds.), Praha a národní hnutí, Karolinum 2020.
To be published Palacký, Rieger a fennomané. Vztahy národních hnutí ve Finsku a v českých zemích v druhé polovině 19. století (Palacký, Rieger and Fennomans – Relations between national movements in Finland and Czech lands in second half of the 19th century), in: Pavlíček, V., Velek, L. (eds.), Vůdce národa František Ladislav Rieger a jeho místo v české politice, kultuře a vědě, Academia, Praha 2020.
J. Mikkola jako hlavní postava slavistických studií ve Finsku v první polovině
20. století a jeho vztah k českým zemím (J. J. Mikkola as a key figure of Slavic studies in Finland in the first half of the 20th century), in: Práce z dějin Akademie věd, 1/2020. vol. 12, p. 23–54.
Fennomané a jejich reflexe Havlíčka a jeho publicistické tvorby v druhé polovině 19. a na počátku 20. století (Fennomans and their reflection of Havliček’s life and work in second half of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century), in: Novinář Karel Havlíček a jeho evropské ohlasy, Práce filozofické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy – Varia, Praha 2019, ISBN 978-80-7308-958-0, p. 112–125.
Rukopisy královédvorský a zelenohorský mezi fennomany. Recepce českých Rukopisů ve Finsku v době národního probuzení Finů (The Dvůr Králové and Zelená Hora manuscripts among the fennomans. The perception of Czech manuscripts in Finland during the time of national revival of Finns), in: Dobiáš, D. (ed.), Rukopisy královédvorský a zelenohorský: Studie z recepce v kultuře a umění, Academia, Praha 2019, ISBN 978-80-200-2918-8, p. 1419–1435.
Finské velkoknížectví v 19. století, na rozcestí mezi Východem a Západem (Grand Duchy of Finland the 19th century, on the crossraod between East and West), in: Slovanský přehled – Slovanské historické studie, 3/2018, vol. 104, p. 803–824.
Paradoxy literární historie. Dílo Ladislava Klímy ve sbírce Jaroslava Kabeše (Paradoxes of literary history. The work of Ladislav Klíma in collection of Jaroslav Kabeš), in: Tvar, 1/2017, p. 17.
Význam národního teritoria a hranice pro národní sebeuvědomovaní Finů v 19. a na začátku 20. století (The importance of national territory and border for the national selfconsciousness of Finns in the 19th and beginning of the 20th century), in: Klusáková, L., Scholz M. (eds.), Pojetí prostoru v historické perspektivě, AUC Philosophica et historica 1/2010, Studia historica LXI, Karolinum, Praha 2012, ISSN: 0567-8293, p. 118-143.
The Czech Concept of Citizenship: Transformations in the course of the 19th Century, in: Isaacs, A. K. (ed.), Citizenship and Identities, Edizioni Plus – Pisa University Press, Pisa 2010, ISBN: 978-88-8492-739-2, p. 211-214.
Frontiers and Identities Projected beyond Europe, in: Klusáková, L., Moll, M., Ira, J., Largueche, A., Kalivodová, E., Sargent A. (eds.), Crossing Frontiers, Resisting Identities, Edizioni Plus – Pisa University Press, Pisa 2010, ISBN: 978-88-8492-737-8, p. 315-321.