Modern and Contemporary History of South Eastern Europe
History of Yugoslavia
Czech-South Slav relations in the 19th and 20th Century
International Politics of Czechoslovakia in the Cold War Era
Immigrant and Foreginer´s Communities in Czechoslovakia under State Socialism
Academic Posts
2020-2023: Head of the Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague
Since 2020: member of the Editorial board of the journal Tokovi istorije/Currents of History, Belgrade, Institute for Recent History of Serbia, Belgrade
Since 2020: Co-editor in chief (with Adéla Rádková), Securitas Imperii. Journal for the Study of Modern Dictatorships, Prague
2019–2020: Deputy of the head of the Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague
2018-2022: Member of the Ethics Committe of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague
2018–2020: Head of the Department of the Research Section 1945–1989 II, Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes (ÚSTR), Prague:
2007–2019: Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator, Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague
Since 2010: Assistant Professor, Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague
2016-2023: Research Fellow, Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes (ÚSTR), Prague
2004–2007: Researcher, The Office for the Documentation and Investigation of the Crimes of Communism (ÚDV), Prague
2004: Teacher of History, Gymnasium (Secondary school) Litoměřice
2003–2010: Ph.D. study in General History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, Dissertation: Yugoslav Cominformist Exile in Czechoslovakia
1997–2003: Master Study in History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague
1996–1997: One Academic Year of Master Study in History – Civic Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University, Prague
2020/10–2021/03: Visiting Fellow, Imre Kertész Kolleg, Jena, Germany
2015/03: Visiting Fellow, Institut for East and Southeastern European Studies, Regensburg, Germany
Since 2005: Annually Two or Three Weeks Research Trips to Belgrade, Zagreb or other places of Former Yugoslavia
2003/04: CEEPUS, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
2001/03-06: Erasmus, University of Vienna, Austria
2000/10–2001/02: Philipps University of Marburg, Germany
International Conferences and Invited Lectures
International Conference: “100 Years Since the Founding of KSČ“, Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes – Institute for Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 13 – 19 May 2021. Chair on the Panel: International Relations: Czechoslovak Communism Colonised and Colonising.
Workshop: “Labour Migration in the Cold War and Beyond: New Questions, Methods and Sources“, University of Glasgow, 28 – 30t June 2021. Discussant on the Panel “International Labour Migration in State-Socialist Eastern Europe and the USSR.
International Conference of SKÖTH (The Permanent Conference of Austrian and Czech Historians): “Austria and the Czech Republic as Immigration Countries: Transnational Labor Migration since 1780 in Historical Comparison“, 16 – 17.9.2021, Institute for Eastern European History, University of Vienna. Paper: Yugoslav Constructing Workers in Czechoslovakia from the 1960s to the 1980s.
51st Annual ASEEES Convention, San Francisco, USA, 23 – 26 November 2019. Paper: “Czechoslovakia Is Starting to Be for Us the Country of Labour Emigration“. The Yugoslav Workers in the Socialist Czechoslovakia in the 1970s and 1980s.
Labour History of Socialist Globalisation: The View from the Shop-floor. Workshop, University of Konstanz, Germany, 10 – 11 October 2019. Paper: Czechoslovak Recruiting of Labour Force from Yugoslavia in the 1970s and 1980s.
International Conference “Socialism on The Bench”, Pula, Croatia, 26 – 28 September 2019. Paper: Yugoslavia as a Window and as a Door to the West. Czechoslovak Tourism to the Yugoslav Coast and the Illegal Emmigration of Czechoslovak Citizens through Yugoslavija to the Capitalist Countries.
Serbian Academy of Sciences (SANU), Belgrade, 27 March 2019. Invited Lecture: Yugoslav Cominformist Emmigration.
50th Annual ASEEES Convention, Boston, USA, 6 – 9 December 2019. Paper: Yugoslav smugglers of Western goods into the socialist Czechoslovakia from the 1960s to 1980s.
The Tito-Stalin Split. 70 Years after. International Conference, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, 28 – 30 June 2018. Paper: Narratives on the Titoist Repressions in the Circles of Yugoslav Cominformist Exile (in Czechoslovakia).
Labour Migration between East and West. Guest Workers in Europe from the 1960s to the 1980s. Workshop, Institute for Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Prague, 27 – 28 February 2018. Organizer. Paper: Yugoslav Constructing Companies and Their Workers in Czechoslovakia.
3rd International Conference “Socialism on the Bench”. Communists and Communist Parties: Policies. Actions. Debates. Pula, Croatia. 28 – 30 September 2017. Paper: Working Temporary Abroad in a Socialist Country. Yugoslav Workers in Czechoslovakia in 1970s and 1980s.
International Conference “Spaces of Experience and Horizons of Expectation: Eastern European Diasporas During the Cold War”, 24 – 25 November 2016, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Aleksander Brückner Center for Polish Studies/Institute of History, Halle, Germany, Paper: On the Other Side of the Iron Curtain. Political Exiles from Yugoslavia and Italy to Czechoslovakia in the 1950s
International Conference “International and Transnational Aspects of the Yugoslav Crisis and the Establishment of Successor States, 1980–1992”, 9 – 10 November 2016, Koper, Slovenia. Paper: How to Understand the Yugoslav Crisis: The Attitudes of Czechoslovak Politicians toward the Beginning of the Dissolution of Yugoslavia in 1991.
Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS), Regensburg, Germany, 25 March 2015. Invited Lecture: Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia in the 1970s and 1980s. Political, Social and Cultural Interactions and Mutual Reflexions in the Period of Late Socialism. A Project Introduction.
Grants and Stipends
Since 2021: Crisis – Reform – (In)stability. The Yugoslav Socialist System from the Actors´ Perspective (1980–1986/1987).
2017-2021: Principal Investigator. Project ‘Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia in the 1970s and 80s. Political, Social and Cultural Interactions and Mutual Reflections in the Period of Late Socialism’. Czech Science Foundation (GAČR)
2010–2015: Collaborator. Project ̔’Perspectives of the Western Balkans in the Context of its Political, Ethnical and Demographical Development in the last 20 Years’. Czech Science Foundation (GAČR). Principal Investigator: Jan Pelikán
2010–2011: Collaborator. Project ‘The Czechs and the Slovenes in the European transformations of the 20th Century’. Project ‘Kontakt’ within the Slovenia-Czech Republic Cooperation Programme in Science and Technology. Principal Investigators: Jože Pirjevec and Jan Pelikán
2007–2008: Collaborator. Project ‘Between Mediterranean and Central Europe: Cultural, Economic and Political Relations between the Czechs and the Slovenes from the 16th through the 20th Century’. Project ‘Kontakt’ within the Slovenia-Czech Republic Cooperation Programme in Science and Technology. Principal investigators: Jože Pirjevec and Jan Pelikán
2004–2011: Collaborator. Project ‘Czech Lands and the South Slav Space in the 19th and 20th Century. Parallels – Myths – Inspirations’. University Research Grant, Charles University. Principal Investigator: Jan Pelikán
Bibliography (Selection)
Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ – Jan PELIKÁN. V čase odkvétání. Československo a Jugoslávie v období pozdního socialismu, 1969–1989 [In Losing the Blossom. Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia in Late Socialism, 1969–1989], Praha: Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Karlova, 2021, 330 p.
Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ, Iz Praga protiv Tita! Jugoslavenska informbiroovska emigracija u Čehoslovačkoj [From Prague Against Tito! Yugoslav Cominform Emigration to Czechoslovakia], Zagreb: Srednja Europa, 2016, 729 p.
Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ, Z Prahy proti Titovi! Jugoslávská informbyrovská emigrace v Československu [From Prague Against Tito! Yugoslav Cominform Emigration to Czechoslovakia], Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta, 2012, 696 p.
Jan PELIKÁN – Tomáš CHROBÁK – Jan RYCHLÍK – Stanislav TUMIS – Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ – Ondřej ŽÍLA: Státy západního Balkánu v uplynulém čtvrtstoletí a perspektivy jejich vývoje [The States of Western Balkans in the Last 25 Years and the Perspectives of Their Development], Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta, 2016 (Author of the Chapter on Montenegro, pp. 136–230).
Jan PELIKÁN – Lubomíra HAVLÍKOVÁ – Tomáš CHROBÁK – Jan RYCHLÍK – Miroslav TEJCHMAN – Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ, Dějiny Srbska, [History of Serbia], 3rd Edition, Praha: NLN, 2019, 679 p. (Author of Chapters on the Cultural Development in Serbia in the 19th and 20th Century).
Chapters in Collective Books and Edited Volumes
Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ – Boris MOSKOVIĆ – Jan PELIKÁN. Yugoslavism throughout the twentieth century: developments and tendencies, in: Adam HUDEK – Michal KOPEČEK – Jan MERVART (eds.). Czechoslovakism. Abingdon: Routledge, 2022, pp. 433–461.
Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ, Odvrácená strana „historického ne“ Stalinovi [The Dark Side of the ‘Historic No’ to Stalin], in: Božidar Jezernik. Goli otok: Titův gulag (Praha: Volvox Globátor – Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů, 2020), 389–405.
Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ – Boris MOSKOVIĆ – Jan PELIKÁN, Hlavní vývojové tendence jugoslávství v průběhu 20. století [The Main Tendencies in the Development of the Yugoslav Idea Throughout the 20th Century], in: Čechoslovakismus, edited by Adam Hudek, Michal Kopeček and Jan Mervart (Praha: NLN, 2019), 394–420.
Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ, Jugoslavija i Čehoslovačka u doba kasnog socijalizma, 1969–1989 [Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia in the Period of Late Socialism, 1969–1989], in: Istorija odnosa izmedju Čehoslovačke i Jugoslavije, Konferencija čeških, slovačkih i srpskih istoričara. Zbornik stručnih radova, edited by Michal Hrušík (Belgrade: Ambasada Republike Slovačke u Republici Srbiji, 2018), 60–67.
Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ, Jugoslávští dělníci v normalizačním Československu. Východiska bádání [The Yugoslav Workers in the ‘Normalization’ Czechoslovakia], in: Studia Balkanica Bohemo-Slovaca VII, (Brno: Moravské zemské muzeum – Ústav slavistiky Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, 2017), 473-487.
Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ, Iz diplomatije u IB emigraciju. Dogadjaji u jugoslovenskim diplomatskim predstavništvima u SAD-u povodom Rezolucije Informbiroa 1948. godine [The Events in the Yugoslav Diplomatic Missions in the USA Caused the 1948´s Cominform Resolution], in: Jugoslovenska diplomatija 1945–1961, edited by Slobodan Selinić (Beograd: Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, 2012), 174–204.
Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ – Borut KLABJAN, Omejena solidarnost. Tržaški komunisti v Pragi na prelomu štiridesetih in pedesetih let 20. stoletja [A Limited Solidarity. The Trieste´s communists in Prague at the turn of 1940s and 1950s], in: Pirjevčev zbornik. Poti zgodovine med severnim Jadranom, srednjo in vzhodno Evropo, edited by Gorazd Bajc and Borut Klabjan (Koper: Založba Annales, 2011), 173–192.
Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ, Aktiviranje jugoslovenskih informbirovaca u Čehoslovačkoj 1968. godine [The Activisation of Yugoslav Cominformists in Czechoslovakia in 1968], in: Tito – vidjenja i tumačenja (Beograd: Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, 2011), 466–485.
Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ, Z Prahy proti Titovi. Slovinci v jugoslávské „informbyrovské emigraci“ v Československu [From Prague against Tito. Slovenes in the Group of Yugoslav Cominformist Emigration in Czechoslovakia], in: Češi a Slovinci v době moderny/Slovenci in Čehi v dobi moderne, edited by Jure Gašparič, Eduard Kubů, Žarko Lazarević and Jiří Šouša, (Praha – Ljubljana, 2010), 151–177.
Jan PELIKÁN – Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ. In the Aftermath of the Prague Spring. Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia 1969–1973, In: Martin Previšić (ed.), Breaking Down Bipolarity. Yugoslavia’s Foreign Relations during the Cold War, De Gruyter Oldenbourg 2021, pp. 125–150.
Jan PELIKÁN – Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ. Čehoslovačka i Jugoslavija u drugoj polovini sedamdesetih godina 20. veka [Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia in the 2nd half of the 1970s], Tokovi istorije, 24, 2021/2, pp. 147–174.
Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ. „Na dočasné práci“ v socialistické zemi. Jugoslávští dělníci v Československu od šedesátých do osmdesátých let 20. století [„Temporary Working Abroad“ in a Socialist Country. Yugoslav Workers in Czechoslovakia from the 1960s to the 1980s], Paměť a dějiny, 2021/4, s. 30–45.
Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ – Péter VUKMAN, Jugoslávská politická emigrace po roce 1948 v Československu a Maďarsku [Yugoslav Political Exile after 1948 in Czechoslovakia and Hungary], Dějiny a současnost, 2021/5, pp. 10–14.
Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ – Jan PELIKÁN, A Bridge to the West: Yugoslavia as a Transit Country for Czechoslovak Emigrants from the 1960s to 1980s. Střed/Centre. Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies of Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries, 2019/2, 61–86.
Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ – Jan PELIKÁN, Z dovolené do emigrace. Jugoslávie jako tranzitní země pro československé emigranty v období normalizace [Through the Vacation to the Emigration. Yugoslavia as a Transit Country for the Czechoslovak emigrants in the ‘Normalization’ Period], Paměť a dějiny, 2019/3, 3–13.
Jan PELIKÁN – Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ, V předtuše odkvétání. Československo a Jugoslávie v prvních měsících normalizace [In the Premonition of Outblooming. Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia in the First Months of ‘Normalization’], Securitas imperii, 34, 2019/1, 162–196.
PELIKÁN, Jan – VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ, Ondřej. Od Titova odchodu k Černěnkově smrti. Československo a Jugoslávie v první polovině 80. let 20. století. Základní obrysy vývoje vzájemných vztahů [From the Tito´s Demise to the Death of Chernenko. Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia in the first half of 1980s], Slovanský přehled, 105, 2019/2, 223–275.
Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ, Česká historiografie a Balkán: od zkoumání slovanských kořenů k hledání souvislostí [The Czech Historiography and the Balkans: From the Inquiring into the Slavic Roots to the Searching for Contexts]. Dějiny a současnost, 41, 2019/5, 19-22.
Jan PELIKÁN – Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ, Jugoslávie a československý disent v prvním desetiletí normalizace. Tematická edice dokumentů z bělehradských archivů [Yugoslavia and the Czechoslovak Dissent in the first Decade of ‘Normalization’], Soudobé dějiny, XXV, 2018/3–4, 582–611.
Borut KLABJAN, Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ: Incorti comunisti. Solidarietà internazionale e interessi nazionali fra Trieste e Praga ai tempi della guerra fredda, Rivista di storia contemporanea, XLV, 2017/1, 101–121.
Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ, „Soudruzi nebo vetřelci?“ O životě emigrantů do Československa na příkladu jugoslávské emigrace [‘Comrades or Aliens?’ On the Life of Émigrés in Czechoslovakia on the Example of the Yugoslav Exile Group]. Paměť a dějiny, XI, 2017/3, s. 24–32.
Ondřej VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ: Dějiny a rozpad Jugoslávie jako předmět historických sporů [Yugoslav History and the Break Up of Yugoslavia as a Subject of Historical Controversies], Soudobé dějiny, XXI, 2014/4, 426–434.