We invite you to an international workshop
Politically motivated violence in Southeastern Europe in the 20th century
when: Tuesday, November 8, 11:00
where: Faculty of Arts (nám. J. Palacha 2, Prague 1), Historical cabinet (2nd floor, room no. 203)
The research seminar will focus on various forms and concrete examples of politically motivated violence that fundamentally influenced the development of Southeastern Europe during the 20th century. The experts will pay attention to the ideological motives and arguments used to protect the originators of this type of violence. Moreover, they will also focus on its methods and practical implementation. The individual papers aim to present both the traditional categories of “perpetrators” and “victims” of politically motivated violence, and the broader context of violent excesses, actions and campaigns initiated by the state apparatus or many other lesser-known actors.
The workshop will present contemporary research approaches that analyze the specifics of various types of politically motivated violence in Southeastern Europe and capture their parallels, overlaps and interrelationships. Emphasis will be placed on the continuity or even the repetitive nature of violent activities, in contrast to the prevailing perception, which mainly accentuate their isolation and randomness.
The workshop is not only for the professional public but also for MA and PhD students.
The working languages will be South Slavonic languages.
11:00 Opening word
11:15 Borut Klabjan (Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper): Politično nasilje na območju severnega Jadrana (Trst, Primorje, Istra) po prvi svetovni vojni
12:15 Martin Previšić (Sveučilište u Zagrebu): Jugoslavenski staljinizam i političko nasilje
13:15 Amir Krpić (Univerzitet u Tuzli): Posjedovanje oružja u Bosni i Hercegovini i pristup austro-ugarske uprave (1878–1914) – ishodišta za istraživanje
14:00 Jan Pelikán (Univerzita Karlova): Političtí vězni v Jugoslávii počátkem 80. let 20. století
14:45 Discussion