Přednáška dr. Mateusze Sokulského na téma Yugoslav Relations with Eastern Bloc in the Cold War

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dr. Mateusze Sokulského, který působí na Historickém ústavu Slezské univerzity v Katovicích. Anglicky přednesená přednáška

Yugoslav Relations with Eastern Bloc in the Cold War

se uskuteční v pondělí, 4. dubna od 12. 30 v místnosti 209.

Mateusz Sokulski, Associate Professor at the University of Silesia, Institute of History. He is interested in the modern history, with special focus on the Balkans, history of diplomacy and history of the dissident movement. He carried out research in Belgrade, Zagreb, Warsaw, Moscow and Prague


Yugoslav Relations with Eastern Bloc in the Cold War (pondělí 4. dubna od 12:30)

Yugoslavia as the communist state led very specific foreign policy as it remained independent on the Soviet Union after 1948 till the end of the Cold War. The main target of the lecture is to show intensity of argues between Belgrade, Moscow and Soviet satellite states. It is also important to underline ideological issues, the role of the USA and its policy towards Eastern Block and Yugoslavia. Mateusz Sokulski would like to present development opf relation during period of distrust (1948-1953) and some trials of reconciliation in the mid-1950’s, ideological disputes in the furher period, break up of relations after Warsaw Pact aggression on Czechoslovakia and quite balanced relations in the 1970’s.

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